Space Girl – Uma ode às gatinhas de séries e filmes Sci-Fi

Uma compilação super bacana ao som de Space Girl do The Imagined Village. Na sequência você confere a letra da música e as séries de onde as imagens foram tiradas:


My mama told me I should never venture into space,
But I did, I did, I did,
She said no terran girl could trust the martian race,
But I did, I did, I did.

A rocket pilot aked me on a voyage to go,
And I was so romantic, I couldn’t say no
That he was just a servo robot how was I to know?
So I did, I did, I did.

She told me never venture out among the asteroids
But I did, I did, I did.
She said the Milky Way was something to avoid
So I did, I did, I did.
She said that Venus was too hot and Saturn not much fun
And bug-eyed monsters tended to be just a trifle dumb.
She said I’d need a blaster and I’d need a freezer gun
And I did, I did, I did.

My mama told me never trust a space engineer
But I did, I did, I did.
She said freefall and superdrive would surely cost me dear
And they did, they did, they did.
I’ve been as far in hyperspace as anybody can,
I’ve travelled through the time warp in the Psycho Plan.
They say a gal must travel for to find her superman
And I did, I did, I did.

Séries e filmes de onde as imagens foram tiradas:

Lost In Space
Outer Limits
Doctor Who
The Giant Behemoth
Twilight Zone
Attack Of The 50 ft Woman
Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
Forbidden Planet
Queen of Outer Space
Space 1999
Sapphire And Steel
Star Trek
Logans Run
5th Element
Soylent Green
Star Wars
Blakes 7
Mork And Mindy
Star Trek Next Gen
Starship Troopers
Earth Final Conflict
Terminator 2
New Doctor Who
Startrek Voyager
Battlestar Galactica
Babylon 5
Space Above and Beyond
Terminator: Sarah Connor
Earth 2

Sacerdote da Santa Igreja do Culto ao Nintendinho, Ryu se declara um rapaz casto e introvertido, no fundo desculpas para seus constantes fracassos com as mulheres. Adora surfar, mas não sabe nadar e sonha em conhecer uma praia. Ex-modelo, ex-feirante, ex-atriz, ex-torcedor do Mixto, Evel na verdade é um extraordinário colecionador da série telecurso 2º grau, sabe de cor e salteado todas as lições de química e marcenaria contemporânea. Amante da boa cozinha, não dispensa um churrasco de gato no boteco da Zuleide. Adora aventura e sempre que pode arrisca-se no truco indoor, desde que o ambiente seja refrigerado. "Onde há flor não há envido!"